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City of Tustin - New Business License Application

The City of Tustin would like to welcome you to the business community and thank you for choosing Tustin as your place of business.
We know that starting a new business can be exciting and challenging. We wish you the greatest success in your new venture! What you need to know to get started: 1. Business licenses are renewed on an ANNUAL basis and expire on December 31 of each year. 2. The business start date is the first date your business started operating in the City of Tustin. 3. Employer identification numbers are required for all new businesses. Sole owner or partnerships are required to provide Social Security
numbers, homeaddresses, and driver’s license numbers for all owners/partners. LLC, Limited Partnership, Trust, or Corporations
are required to provide a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), State Employer Identification Number (SEIN) if applicable, and the
driver’s license
and home address of each partner, officer, and/or manager for the particular business. 4. No payment will be required until your application has been reviewed and accepted. You will receive an email verifying the receipt of
the application and/or a request for additional documentation. 5. A checklist of required information can be found here 6. Per AB 2184, you may protect your residential address by providing a different Service of Process address (Form 1583) in accordance with
Sections 16000.1(a)(2) and 16100.1(a)(2) of the Business and Professions Code. Please inform the Business License office if you will be
providing this document. 7. Certain business types and/or activities require a special business permit in addition to the business license. Select here to be directed to a
listing of these business types and/or activities. Businesses operating within the City of Tustin and Home Based businesses will require additional paperwork to be completed. This will be
noted on the application page. If you need any assistance with the application process, please call (714) 573-3144 to speak with a business license representative. Under federal and state law, compliance with disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building
owners and tenants with buildings open to the public. You may obtain information about your legal obligations and how to comply with disability
access laws at the following
website and search Disability Access.